Friday, December 7, 2012

Been away 4 sooo long....

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So I have not posted here in months and I really have been meaning to, but I have been crazy busy.  I am trying to incorporate everything for myself and my family and therefore I had to neglect something, which is my blog.
Let me tell you some of the projects that I am currently working on:
  1. My daughters bedroom (maybe this is my only project at the time because this is all I have been focusing on).
  2. A flip-top desk for my daughter ( I have started this, but of course I have gotten sidetracked :-p)
My daughter's room is under construction and it is pretty bad.  I have decided on the paint colors and the trim and the window coverings, but to get it all together takes time, especially when you aren't a stay at home mom.
I will put up pictures of my progress soon, but I wanted you guys to have a look at some of the things I have planned for it.

This is my first try at a mood board, it kinda sucks, but I will get better at it.  I created it in Fireworks.

 The chandelier is $159 at Lowe's, now that is way out of my budget, so of course I hit the thrift store.  Now let me tell you about this thrift store, I think it is a bit pricey, but they always have great furniture.  Mondays is 25% off for everybody and Thursday is 25% off for VIP customers. So I went yesterday, which was Thursday and I found so many things, but I had to stay focused. 
Here are my deals, not all of them are from the thrift store:
  1. I found a gold chandelier for $14.99 and with the discount it was $11.24, can we say deal steal!!!!  All I have to do now is get some crystals from Micheal's with a coupon and some white spray paint and that will be done.
  2.    I also found a wooden cutlery holder (I guess that is what is called) for $1.91 and with the discount it was $1.43.  
  3. The crates I got from Michael s for a huge discount because I had 50% off coupons so I made everybody that was with my purchase, I have gotta get my deals anyway possible.
  4. The headboard, which I redid a while ago, was from her crib, so that part was free. As for the fabric, I got that from Jo Ann's and I also used a coupon.  The rosette trim was from Hobby Lobby and I used the 40% off coupon.
  5.  The mirror was free from the free-cycle and I also got the dresser from the same free-cycler.
  6. The desk is what I am still in the process of making, although yesterday at the thrift store there were so many desks I was tempted to buy one, but I paid a lot for the wood and accessories, so I continue to use the one I am building.
  7. Her boxspring will become her frame.  I will screw the wood legs into the box spring and cover her box spring so that it will always look nice.  I about $24 for those, because I needed eight.  I haven't figured out if I will just cover it with a fitted sheet or actually reupholster it.  For the tutorial check out this site: Momma Rake,she did a fantastic job!!!!
  8. I want to make cornices for her window, closet (since I will be taking the door off and putting a curtain there),and I want a small one above her bed to hang drapes from so she can think she is a princess.  Here are few DIY cornices via Pinterest:
    1. Domestic Adventures - see gives great pictures of all steps.
    2. Tommy & Ellie - I love the nail trim.
    3. The Hunted Interior - I love what she did with a drop cloth.
So I know this was a long post, but I had to give you a big update of whats been going on with my creative side until then SMOOCHES!!!!

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